The mission of the Committee of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences is undertaking all kinds of activities serving the development of geological sciences and utilising their achievements for the good of the country. The main tasks of the Committee include:

  1. Analysing and assessing the condition of science, and commenting on the science policy of the country, chiefly on the developments and research priorities in Earth sciences, particularly geology;
  2. Cooperation with government bodies as regards assessment of the state, level and priority of research tasks and development directions in geology;
  3. Initiating research, establishment and development of geological research and academic institutions, as well as assessment of their research programmes and range of activities on request of the supervising government bodies and authorities of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
  4. Cooperation in the popularisation of research and scientific work results, and implementation of research results in Earth sciences in social and economic practice through organisation of discussion panels and scientific meetings;
  5. Elaborating expertise appraisals and opinions on matters within the range of the Committee’s activities and issues particularly important for the social-economic and cultural development of the country on commission of government bodies, authorities of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Committee’s own initiative;
  6. Expressing opinions on matters related to the scientific position and requirements of scientific publications in geology and conducting publishing activities;
  7. Analysing and assessing teaching programmes, and level of scientific training with regard to geology, and conducting actions aimed at enhancement of the participation of young research staff in the country’s scientific life and assuring their development;
  8. Initiating and conducting cooperation with international organisations and research centres, and execution of tasks resulting from the cooperation with the International Union of Geological Sciences.